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Dermal Fillers 101
Dermal Fillers 101
Chapter 1: Introduction to Dermal Fillers (4:42)
Chapter 2: Face Anatomy Pertinent to Dermal Fillers (15:49)
Chapter 3: Aging Face Pertinent to Dermal Fillers (18:44)
Chapter 4: Facial Analysis Pertinent to Dermal Fillers (19:43)
Chapter 5: Overview Of Dermal Fillers (30:15)
Chapter 6: Dermal Fillers Patient's Consultation (10:00)
Chapter 7: Dermal Fillers - Upper Face Applications (10:18)
Chapter 8: Dermal Fillers - Mid Face Applications (21:08)
Chapter 9: Dermal Fillers - Lower Face Applications (35:49)
Chapter 10: Dermal Fillers Complications (19:11)
Chapter 11: Pain Management (25:18)
Chapter 12: Fillers Facial Analysis Demo
12.1: Upper, Mid & Lower Face (2:26)
12.2: Light & Shadows (2:31)
12.3: Facial Frames (3:18)
12.4: Fixed vs. Mobile Zones (2:38)
12.5: Topography & Arterial Supplies (5:35)
Chapter 13: Fillers Injection Techniques Demo
13.1: Glabellar Lines Correction (1:30)
13.2: Forehead Lines Correction (2:21)
13.3: Regional Nerve Block for Lip Fillers & Smile Lines (5:02)
13.4: Eyebrow Lift (0:45)
13.5: Tear Trough (4:49)
13.6: Perioral Region (3:59)
Articles and Journals Enclosed is collection of supportive articles and journals pertinent to this course
Dermal Fillers 101 Multiple Choice Examination
Dermal Fillers 101 Multiple Choice Examination
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