The CE Accredited Facial Aesthetics 101 Series by Dr. Sam Assassa, President of The American Association of Aesthetics Medicine and Surgery, is a nationally accredited comprehensive series of online training programs designed to provide participants with a robust foundation for understanding facial aesthetics. Dr. Assassa provides over 20 years of aesthetic medicine and surgery expertise and extensive knowledge with over 15-hours of training video content to cover essential facial aesthetics topics. Get unlimited access today!

Self-Paced 100% Online Botox & Fillers Certification Course

Where Is This Course Held?

Instant online access from anywhere in the world on your smart phone, tablet and computer

Target Audience

This activity is designed to meet the needs of physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners and dentists.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of the educational activity, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the anatomy and physiology of the face, with special attention to blood vessels and nerves so they can be avoided during treatment.
  • Recognize the important structures of the face with regards to botulinum toxin and its appropriate use.
  • Identify key facial muscles and formulate a treatment plan to inject botulinum toxin based on the units of botulinum toxin to use in mixing and administration.
  • Inject botulinum toxin safely and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Recognize the important structures of the face with regards to dermal fillers and their appropriate uses.
  • Identify key facial muscles and fat layers to build a treatment plan based on how much filler substance to use per area.
  • Apply different filler injection techniques for optimal patient outcomes while avoiding/reducing the risk of complications.
When Is This Course?

This program is immediately available upon registration and can be accessed at anytime. Program is approved for CE from March 1, 2018 through December 31, 2021.

CE Approved Facial Aesthetics Master Program online includes:

Section 1: Introduction to Aesthetics 101

Introduction to Aesthetics 101 online program starts with a brief introduction describing how the art of facial aesthetics directly ties into the field of facial aesthetics. This program introduces members to the concept of facial BeautiΦication, with an emphasis on the Greek symbol Φ, which represents Phi, described in this program as the Golden Ratio of Beauty. This program also introduces members to the ideal facial dimensions and how they relate to the overall appearance of the face. In addition, this program provides an in-depth look at the facial anatomy described as Facenatomy. Lastly, members will understand the aging process and how to apply the 4R’s of Aesthetics to restore beauty and youth in the face. Dr. Sam Assassa provides his knowledge and professional expertise with over 2-hours of lecture and training video content.

Introduction to Aesthetics 101 Online Program includes the following sections:

  • Introduction to Aesthetics
  • Facial BeautiΦication
  • Ideal Facial Dimensions
  • Facenatomy
  • The Aging Process
  • The 4R’s of Aesthetics

Section 2: Botulinum Toxin 101

Botulinum Toxin 101 is a comprehensive online program that covers the history of neurotoxins, molecular structure, mode of action, indications and contraindications. In this program, members will learn about BotoxNatomy™, which details the different facial expression muscles anatomy and their associated actions. Members will also look at the clinical application of neurotoxins covering the proper clinical assessment, markings, dosage, the art of injecting neurotoxins to soften expressive lines and create upper and lower facelift, pitfalls and how to address them. Lastly, members will have a first-hand look at a collection of videos that demonstrate the art of injecting the forehead, droopy eyebrows, crow’s feet, frown lines, bunny lines, gummy smile, lips definition, chin enhancement, jawline and lower face contouring and platysma bands. This online program is designed to provide unexperienced practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of neurotoxins and further enrich the knowledge experienced injectable practitioners. Dr. Sam Assassa provides his knowledge and professional expertise with over 4-hours of lecture and training video content.

Botulinum Toxin 101 Online Program includes the following sections:

  • Introduction to Neurotoxins This section will be covering the history of neurotoxins, structure, mode of action, indications and contraindications
  • BotoxNatomy™ This section will detail the different facial expression muscles anatomy and their associated actions
  • Clinical Application of Neurotoxins This section will discuss the anatomy, upper middle and lower facial expressive muscles balance, brands, reconstitution and storage, indications and contraindications, proper clinical assessment, markings, proper dosage, injection techniques, pitfalls and how to address them
  • Comprehensive Injection Demonstration Videos Focuses on one goal: to ameliorate expressive lines without causing asymmetry, effacement of facial expression (frozen face) or ptosis of eyebrows. The videos will demonstrate the individualization dosage based on the patient’s variation in anatomy, muscle mass and strength, asymmetry, and most importantly desired outcome: “the non-frozen face look”

Section 3: Dermal Fillers 101

Dermal Fillers 101 is a comprehensive online program that covers the facial aging process and facial analysis pertinent to dermal fillers, classification of dermal filers, indications and contraindications. Also covered is the anatomy and techniques of regional nerve blocks of the face, injection techniques of upper, middle and lower face and how to avoid and treat fillers complications. Lastly, members will be able to watch a series of demonstration videos covering eyebrow lift, glabellar and forehead lines, nasolabial folds and marionette line corrections. Members will see proper injection techniques for treating hollowness under the eyes, tear trough deformity, enhancement of the cheeks, creating natural fuller lips, and contouring the chin and jaw line. Lastly, members will have access to a series of improvised reality videos, where Dr. Sam Assassa straps a GoPro camera to his head while consulting and injecting patients. This unique experience provides a first-person perspective of day-to-day practice as an aesthetic practitioner. Dr. Sam Assassa provides his knowledge and professional expertise with over 5-hours of lecture and training video content.

Dermal Fillers 101 Online Program includes the following sections:

  • Introduction to Injectable Fillers
  • FaceNatomy™ Pertinent to Dermal Fillers
  • Aging Face Pertinent to Facial Fillers
  • Facial Analysis Pertinent to Dermal Fillers
  • Overview of Injectable Fillers
  • Fillers Patient’s Consultation
  • Area by Area Assessment
  • Injectable Fillers Complications and Pain Management
  • Dermal Fillers Complications
  • Pain Management
  • Comprehensive Videos
  • Facial Analysis Videos
  • Injection Demonstration Videos
  • Reality Series Videos

Criteria for Success

This CE Accredited Facial Aesthetics 101 Online Program is an online aesthetics program that combines all of the above topics providing a comprehensive approach to facial aesthetics. In order to receive credit, participants should watch all videos in each section and complete each online exam that follow. A passing score of 70% on the exam is required to receive credit. A certificate will be emailed to you to the email provided upon successful completion of the exams.

Course fee $1,350 includes:

  • Free Interim AAAMS Membership ($195 value)
  • 17 hours of CE / CME credits ($175 value)
  • 5% discount on AAAMS webinars
  • 5% Discounts on AAAMS hands-on training workshops and online courses
  • Unlimited access to the online program for 6 months
  • 6 months of messaging to fellow members, board of directors and AAAMS educators
  • 6 months of Participation in the “Ask the Educator” discussion boards
  • 6 months access to latest articles in the field of Aesthetics
  • 6 months access to up-to-date industry information, events, and educational opportunities

You may register if you are one of the following:
  • Doctor (MD / DO / OB/GYN)
  • Dentist (DDS / DMD / BDS)
  • Physician Assistant (PA)
  • Nurse (NP / RN, LVN/LPN)

Course Curriculum

  Section 1: Introduction to Aesthetics 101
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 2: Botulinum Toxin 101
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 3: Dermal Fillers 101
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Resources & Materials
Available in days
days after you enroll

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